BIIAB Award For Personal Licence Holders

The BIIAB Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders qualification, often referred to as the BIIAB APLH or APLH for short is the qualification needed to gain a personal licence under the licensing act 2003.

As part of the application process for a BIIAB Personal Licence, candidates have to submit a completed application form, disclosure of convictions and civil immigration penalties declaration form, two photographs of you (one must be countersigned as a true likeness), your original licensing qualification, your original Disclosure and Barring Service form and finally a copy of your proof of right to work in the UK document, or share code.

Many of the local authorities have allowed the applications to be submitted via their websites or via email during the CV19 crisis, however it is always worth checking as each authority is different.

Click here to download the personal licence application forms

The BIIAB Award For Personal Licence Holders covers the following topics:

  • The roles, responsibilities and functions of licensing authorities within the framework of the licensing objectives
  • The application process for a personal licence
  • The role and legal responsibilities of the personal licence holder, and the penalties relating to failure to comply with the law
  • The premises licence
  • The content and purpose of operating schedules
  • The role and duties of the designated premises supervisor
  • Unauthorised and temporary licensable activities
  • Rights of entry to licensed premises
  • Police powers with regard to suspension and closure of licensed premises
  • The specific prohibitions for the sale of alcohol
  • The strengths of alcoholic drinks, and the effects of alcohol on the human body
  • The protection of children from harm
  • The responsible retail sale of alcohol.

Qualification title: BIIAB Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders

  • Level: 2
  • QN: 603/2468/5
  • QW Approval/Designation no: C00/1212/8
  • Credit: 1
  • Qualification type: RQF

The exam is a 40 minute, 40 question multiple choice exam.
Click here to download the BIIAB APLH Mock Exam

Currently Licensing Solutions are running all of their BIIAB APLH exams online offering instant results and free unlimited re-sits.
Upon booking (you can book your exam here) you will receive a welcome email with

  • APLH handbook
  • Video presentation
  • Mock exam
  • Link to our live exam calendar

We run our exams over Zoom and have 3 exam sessions available every hour. The exams are on a 1-1 basis - your examiner will greet you onto the Zoom meeting and explain the process. Once you have completed your exam the system will provide an instant result and our team will send you a result report that evening with a detailed breakdown of your marks.
