What's the Difference Between a Personal and a Premises Licence?

The personal licence is granted to an individual by their local licensing authority/council. The personal licence allows the holder to sell or authorise (other people) the sale of alcohol. However the personal licence on it’s own is not enough, as there also needs to be a premises licence. It is the premises licence that allows for the licensable activities to take place on the premises. 

The licensable activities are:

  • Sale of alcohol by retail
  • Supply of alcohol in club premises (under the terms of a club premises certificate)
  • Provision of regulated entertainment
  • Provision of late-night refreshment 

For every premises licence that is authorised for the sale of alcohol by retail, there has to be 1 person with a personal licence who is nominated to be Designated Premises Supervisor.

There is a mandatory condition on the premises licence that states that no supply of alcohol may be made at a time when no DPS has been specified on the licence or at a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence or the personal licence has been suspended. 

This does not mean that there has to be a personal licence holder working at all times, but it does mean that there has to be one named as a DPS (at all times).

The designated premises supervisor and the premises licence holder (owner of the premises licence) are responsible for the premises at all times, regardless of whether they are at the premises or not. 

NO DPS APPOINTED?  – Selling alcohol without a DPS ( Designated Premises Supervisor ) appointed is an unauthorised sale of alcohol subject to an unlimited fine and/or 6 months in prison. 

Should you need to change your DPS, here at licensing-solutions.co.uk we can help: 

We will need:

  • Premises licence (original must be returned)
  • DPS consent form (to be completed by the prospective designated supervisor):
  • Licensing Solutions will provide and complete all paperwork and submit the application on your behalf 

We charge £125 for this service (this includes all fees to the licensing authority)
*Please note, your new DPS MUST hold a personal licence.
