Personal Licence Test Answers

Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH) – Practice Exam Questions

A personal licence entitles the holder to:

A: Provide Amusement with Prizes (AWP) machines
B: Provide large scale public entertainment events
C: Sell hot food and hot drinks late at night
D: Sell or authorise the sale of alcohol

How long does a personal licence remain valid?

A: Indefinitely
B: Undetermined
C: A length of time not exceeding 5 years
D: A length of time not exceeding 15 years

An application for a personal licence must be made to the relevant:

A: Environmental Health authority
B: Government department
C: Planning Department
D: Licensing authority

A personal licence may not be granted if the applicant:

A: Does not have a premises licence
B: Has an unspent relevant offence
C: Lives outside the UK
D: Is over 18

What change of details must a personal licence holder report to the licensing authority?

A: Job title
B: Place of work
C: Name and/or home address
D: Name of the premises where employed

What could happen if a personal licence holder is convicted of driving with excess alcohol in their body?

A: Their personal licence can be forfeited
B: They will have to re-train in basic licensing law
C: Their personal licence will be valid for a shorter period
D: The number of premises they can work in will be reduced

The purpose of a licensing policy is to show how:

A: Environmental Health will monitor the area for noise disturbance
B: Local hospitals will deal with drink related illnesses and injuries
C: The designated premises supervisors will be chosen for the area
D: The licensing authority intends to promote the licensing objectives

Each licensing authority is responsible for appointing a licensing committee consisting of no more than:
A: 5 members
B: 10 members
C: 15 members
D: 20 members

Community Safety Partnerships have been set up to:

A: Increase customer service standards by reducing disorder
B: Reduce crime and disorder through the local authority and police
C: Remove crime by personal licence holders taking regular crime watch shifts
D: Set standards for responsible drinks promotions in the local area

Which of these is a licensing objective?

A: Prevention of alcohol addiction
B: Prevention of crime and disorder
C: Prosecution of known drug dealers
D: Prosecution of underage drinkers

An unauthorised licensable activity is:

A: One not agreed by the designated premises supervisor
B: One not covered by a premises licence, club premises certificate or temporary event notice
C: One provided for members of the public who are trouble makers
D: One which neighbours have complained about

A drink is classed as alcohol if its abv is more than:

A: 0.5%
B: 1.0%
C: 1.5%
D: 2.0%

What unit of measurement will indicate how much alcohol is contained in a drink?

A: Average ethanol amount
B: Typical retail ethanol volume
C: Percentage alcohol by volume
D: Standard average alcohol quantity

To keep risks at a low level, the UK Chief Medical Officer recommends it is safest not to drink regularly more than:

A: 14 units
B: 16 units
C: 18 units
D: 20 units

The time it takes for one unit of alcohol to be removed from the body is about:

A: One hour
B: Two hours
C: Three hours
D: Four hours

A premises licence authorises the use of specific premises for:

A: One or more licensable activities
B: Showing live football and rugby
C: Playing darts and pool
D: Political meetings

Under the Licensing Act 2003, which of these is a licensable activity?
A: Provision of fund raising raffles for charity
B: Provision of live televised football
C: Supply of alcohol on club premises
D: Supply of tobacco products

What is the purpose of reviewing a premises licence?
A: To approve the process for hiring staff
B: To ensure that the licensing objectives are being promoted
C: To improve customer service standards
D: To maximise turnover and sales

Which of these is a mandatory condition attached to a premises licence which authorises the retail sale of alcohol?

A: A designated premises supervisor must be appointed for the premises
B: A personal licence holder must be present for every sale of alcohol
C: Every member of bar staff must hold a licensing qualification
D: The premises licence holder must hold a personal licence

The maximum penalty for selling alcohol outside the hours authorised by a premises licence is:

A: £10,000 fine and/or 1 month imprisonment
B: £15,000 fine and/or 3 months imprisonment
C: An unlimited fine and/or 6 months imprisonment
D: A discretionary fine and/or 9 months imprisonment

The role of the designated premises supervisor on licensed premises is to:

A: Be in day-to-day control of the premises
B: Be responsible for all stock of food and drink
C: Design and plan the layout of the premises
D: Personally open and close the premises everyday

If not already covered by the premises licence, which one of these events would require a temporary event notice?

A: The sale of food between the hours of 9.00 am and 5.00 pm
B: The retail sale of non-alcoholic cold drinks
C: The public performance of a dance to an audience after 11.00 pm
D: The rehearsal of a play between the hours of 10.00 am and 4.00 pm

What is the maximum number of temporary event notices a personal licence holder can give in a calendar year?

A: 50
B: 75
C: 100
D: 125

Which of these would not be classed as an irresponsible drinks promotion?

A: Offering a free pint of beer every time a football team scores a goal
B: Rewarding customers with free alcohol if they drink quickly
C: All you can drink for £10 offers
D: Offering a bottle of wine as a raffle prize

If controlled drug activity is allowed on licensed premises, the premises licence could be:

A: Amended by the police
B: Endorsed by the Environmental Health Inspector
C: Reviewed by the Planning Department
D: Revoked by the licensing authority

If a police officer witnesses the sale of alcohol to a drunk, what value fixed penalty fine can they impose?

A: £40
B: £70
C: £90
D: £120

Who can authorise underage persons to carry out test purchasing on licensed premises?
A: Food hygiene officers
B: Local Magistrates
C: School inspectors
D: Weights and Measures inspectors

Which of these is the most reliable document for proof of age?

A: A bank statement
B: A credit card
C: A valid photo driving licence
D: A utility bill

At what age can a person buy a lottery ticket?

A: 16
B: 18 ✅
C: 21
D: 25

On what grounds can the Magistrates Court issue a closure order?

A: Noise from the premises is causing a serious public nuisance
B: Rubbish is being produced on the premises
C: There are too many people queuing to enter the premises
D: There has been an increase in alcohol related injuries

The police can apply for a closure notice if:

A: Too many people have an interest in the business
B: There are too few customers frequenting the premises
C: Disorder is either taking place, or is likely to take place at the premises
D: The designated premises supervisor is not always on the premises

Which of these activities could be classed as regulated entertainment?

A: Live television broadcasts
B: Morris dancing
C: Outdoor sporting activities
D: Performance of dance to more than 500 people

When is the sale of alcohol on or from a vehicle allowed?

A: At any time
B: Never
C: When the vehicle is temporarily parked
D: When the vehicle is travelling at low speeds

34 It is an offence to serve alcohol to a person who is:

A: A local brewer
B: A local Magistrate
C: Driving
D: Drunk

Which alcoholic drinks may a 16 year old, accompanied by an adult, consume at a table meal on licensed premises?

A: Beer, cider and spirits
B: Beer, wine and cider
C: Cider, spirits and wine
D: Spirits, beer and wine

What is the importance of the licensing objectives?

A: They provide licence holders with the knowledge they need to run a licensed premises
B: They provide the framework of licensing law
C: They help the police to carry out their roles
D: They help the licensing authorities to issue personal licences

A personal licence holder must produce their licence for inspection when requested by:

A: A fire officer
B: A local resident
C: A police officer
D: A traffic warden

When do HM Revenue and Customs officers have the legal right to enter licensed premises to remove goods liable to forfeiture?
A: If the appropriate duty has not been paid
B: If they are to be sold to the public
C: If they have not been produced in the UK
D: If they were bought from dealers in the EU

If a personal licence holder is charged with a relevant offence, they must:

A: Give their licence to the court within 14 days
B: Give their licence to the police within 21 days
C: Notify the court of their personal licence
D: Notify the local PubWatch scheme

What is the minimum age at which a person can legally be sold alcohol on licensed premises?
A: 16
B: 18
C: 20
D: 22
